Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ada apa dengan kenangan?

Salam ukhwah untuk semua. Alhamdulillah saya masih lagi diberi peluang oleh ALLAH swt untuk bernafas dan menulis di ruangan blog saya yang tidak seberapa ini. Kelapangan pada hari ini membuka sedikit ruang kemalasan dalam diri untuk mencoretkan sedikit kerajinan menulis pada ruangan maya ini..=p

Alhamdulillah pada 13 Disember dan 14 Disember 2008 saya dapat bersama rakan-rakan Fiverz (SCIPP SPM 2004) yang lain untuk menghadiri satu reunion di Sudara Resort, Bachok mengikut jadual yang telah ditetapkan. Rindu pada teman-teman lama terubat jua. Kenangan manis mahupun pahit bertandang di hati dan sanubari tatkala mata bertemu mata. Masing-masing berkongsi pelbagai cerita dan khabar mengenai diri dan kehidupan yang bakal menanti. Senyuman tak lekang di bibir namun, ada juga yang sebaliknya. Biasalah, adat reunion..bukan semua kenangan manis yang kita dapat, sedikit pahit mungkin juga terselit.

Keterbukaan menggambarkan kematangan untuk menghadapi segala kemungkinan.
Terbukanya kita menerima sesuatu perkara walaupun hati kita yang menjadi taruhan. Tergurisnya hati dan perasaan dan terhinanya maruah apabila jalan keterbukaan ini yang kita ambil. Walaupun hati kita berkata,"kenapa aku kena jaga hati dia padahal dia asyik sakitkan hati aku je!". Itulah maknanya kesabaran yang terdidik dari keterbukaan yang menggambarkan matangnya diri dan jiwa seseorang itu. Jika kes ini berjaya dikendali dengan baik, InsyaALLAH kes-kes berat yang akan datang dapat ditangani dengan baik atau jauh lebih baik lagi.

Mimpi indah boleh bertukar menjadi mimpi ngeri, kejayaan boleh jadi kegagalan dan sebaliknya. Maka cuba kita ingat balik Lima Perkara Sebelum 5 Perkara.
  1. Sihat sebelum Sakit
  2. Muda sebelum Tua
  3. Kaya sebelum Miskin
  4. Lapang sebelum Sempit
  5. Hidup sebelum Mati
Sekadar peringatan buat diri saya, sahabat dan pembaca sekalian. Saya ingin berkongsi lapan peringatan dari Luqman al-Hakim kepada anak-anaknya. Peringatan ini saya ambil dari sebuah novel yang saya sudah lupa judulnya. Namun, peringatan ini mampu membuatkankan kita terfikir sejenak. InsyaALLAH..

  1. Apabila engkau sedang bersembahyang, maka jagalah baik-baik fikiranmu.
  2. Apabila engkau berada di rumah orang lain, maka jaga-jagalah matamu.
  3. Apabila engkau berada di tengah-tengah majlis, jagalah lidahmu.
  4. Apabila engkau di majlis jamuan makan, maka jagalah perangaimu.
  5. Ingatlah kepada ALLAH selalu.
  6. Ingatlah akan mati (dengan menyediakan amalan-amalan untuk menghadapinya).
  7. Lupakanlah budi baikmu kepada orang lain.
  8. Lupakan kesalahan orang terhadapmu.
Buat sahabat-sahabat yang saya kasihi serta para pembaca yang saya saya kasihi di luar sana, semoga anda success sentiasa dan diberkati ALLAH swt walau di mana jua anda berada dan anda lakukan. Semoga IMAN, ISLAM dan EHSAN sentiasa berada dalam diri anda semua dan juga saya di sini. InsyaALLAH. Sama-samalah kita doakan. Setakat ini sahaja yang mampu saya tulis pada hari ini. Ada kelapangan, beberapa hasil tulisan akan tersedia menanti anda membacanya.InsyaALLAH...
Di sini saya sertakan beberapa gambar buat tatapan sahabat-sahabat reunion scipp #004..

Friday, October 31, 2008

what happened when you hate someone?

Salam. Jangan terkejut melihat tajuk yang ditulis di atas. Di sini saya ingin berkongsi sedikit pengalaman saya (sila rujuk tajuk di atas). Sebenarnya tidak susah untuk membenci seseorang dan tidak susah juga untuk menyukai seseorang. Perasaan benci itu akan datang pada kita bila mana sikap seseorang itu tidak disukai dan disenangi oleh kita (menyampah). Mungkin juga atas sebab-sebab yang lain (bergantung pada situasi dan individu). Namun, apa yang anda lakukan bila perasaan benci itu menguasai diri? Well, mungkin ada di kalangan anda yang cuba menjauhkan diri, tidak bercakap selama beberapa hari or selama-lamanya. Namun, tidakkah anda rasa hidup anda sangat tidak teratur apabila anda membenci atau tidak menyukai seseorang? Mungkin ada yang akan menjawab "ye la" dan mungkin juga "tak pun".

Frankly speaking, i have this "hate' feeling. Almost 0ne year i have this feeling with a group of someone. But after that, i got some advise in one situation. "Jika kita pergi mana-mana sure kita akan jumpa atau berhadapan dengan pelbagai ragam manusia yang kita tidak suka. Apa penyelesaiannya? Kita hormati etika atau attitude seseorang itu. Kalau betul2 kita tak suka jangan terikut dengan gaya yang mereka bawa. Jika sikap mereka itu dikhuatiri boleh mendatangkan kemudaratan pada kita, sila2lah jauhkan diri."

Jadi apa yang mahu saya perkatakan di sini, jika anda membenci seseorang, maafkanlah dia. Mungkin dia tak tahu apa yang telah dia lakukan atau mungkin itulah sikapnya-->suka membuat orang benci padanya :p Bila hati kita sudi untuk memaafkan orang lain jiwa kita pun akan menjadi lebih tenang. Setiap kali saya marah pada seseorang saya akan cuba ingatkan diri saya,"siapalaa aku nak marah kat dia?siapalaa aku nak menilai orang lain?aku pun bukannya baik sangat pun" ;) . Seperti kata abang dan kakak2 ku --->tau takpe.

Namun, saya cukup pantang apabila melihat dan mendengar orang lain cuba melemahkan semangat orang lain. Sebagai contoh, "kalau stakat markah assignment sikit macam ni confirm fail la korang..". Ayat ini sangat menyakitkan hati bagi sahabat saya yang mengalami situasi ini. Namun, orang yang mengeluarkan kata-kata tersebut tidak sedar atau mungkin niatnya untuk bergurau. Inilah contoh dimana seseorang yang sangka dirinya pandai bergurau tetapi sebenarnya tidak. Apa penyelesaiannya? Buat dek je dengan orang sebegini. Elakkan sebarang perbualan yang panjang dengan orang sebegini kerana tindakan anda berborak dengannya akan membuatkan anda lebih sakit hati.

Ada juga kisah di mana si A ini terasa hati dengan si B kerana si B tidak bercakap dengannya. Si B pula terasa hati dengan si A kerana si A bersikap pelik dan tidak mahu bercakap dengannya. Masing-masing meluahkan perasaan pada si C. Si C hanya menggelengkan kepala. Kisah ini sebenarnya tidaklah serius tapi berlaku di kalangan kita pada hari ini. Perselisihan faham @ misunderstood ini sering berlaku di kalangan "friendship". Saya ada seorang sahabat yang bercakap ikut mood dan ikut suka dia saja @ laser. Pernah suatu hari saya bertanya sesuatu padanya dan dia membalasnya dengan kata-kata yang sedikit keras (ak tanya baik dia jawab cam nak gaduh ngan ak-->pehal?). Apa yang saya lakukan? Saya bangun dan terus berlalu meninggalkannya. Kenapa saya tidak bertindak menegurnya? Kerana saya tau dengan sikap saya yang panas baran akan memburukkan lagi keadaan. Maka penyelesaiannya saya cuba mententeramkan hati saya yang membara dengan menjauhinya. Seeloknya jika anda berada dalam situasi ini atau ada sahabat anda yang berada dalam situasi ini, biarkan dia bersendirian selama beberapa minit atau paling lama 1 jam.

Walaupun hati kita terluka dengan sikap2 manusia dan insan2 di sekeliling kita jangan pula kita merubah diri kita yang berperasaan (bila terluka means ada perasaan) kepada tidak berperasaan. Kita pula yang menyakiti hati orang lain dan tidak sedar dengan tindakan kita. Sesungguhnya sebagai seorang muslim@muslimah(bagi yang beragama Islam) cuba kita banyakkan membaca al-Quran dan solat2 sunat yang lain@qiam. Itulah langkah yang paling bagus untuk kita lakukan pabila hati kita terluka atau dilukai. Fahami diri anda untuk memahami diri orang lain. Sayangi diri anda untuk menyayangi orang lain. Bantulah diri anda untuk membantu orang lain. Inilah saya seadanya. Mohon kemaafan jika ada kelemahan dan kesilapan sepanjang tulisan ini ditulis dan dibaca oleh anda semua. Wassalam.


SALAM to all my friends, siblings and relatives. :) It has been a while since i post my last Hari Raya wishes. Well, i just submit my Project 1 (thesis) and i feel so relax but not too relax actually. Still got to study for my final exam and my 1st paper is Noise & Vibrations (this Monday). I know some of my friends here, there and somewhere maybe already finish studying or still studying and feel stress. So, for you all who feel so stress or maybe dunno whether he/she might be in stress situation, here i put some information about stress. Enjoy your reading. All the best and best of lucks to all of you and me. :)


A tension headache is the most common headache, and yet it's not well understood. A tension headache generally produces a diffuse, usually mild to moderate pain over your head. Many people liken the feeling to having a tight band around their head. A tension headache may also cause pain in the back of your neck at the base of your skull.

Although headache pain sometimes can be severe, in most cases it's not the result of an underlying disease. The vast majority of headaches are so-called primary headaches. Besides tension headaches, these include migraines and cluster headaches.

In many cases, there's no clear cause for a tension headache. Fortunately, effective treatments for tension headaches are available. Managing a tension headache is often a balance between fostering healthy habits, finding effective nondrug treatments and using medications appropriately. In addition, a number of preventive, self-care and alternative treatments may help you deal with headache pain.


A tension headache can last from 30 minutes to an entire week. You may experience these headaches occasionally, or nearly all the time. If your headaches occur 15 or more days a month for several months, they're considered chronic. Unfortunately, chronic tension headaches sometimes persist for years.

A tension headache may cause you to experience a dull, achy pain or sensation of tightness in your forehead or at the sides and back of your head. Many people liken the feeling to having a tight band of pressure encircling their heads. In its most extensive form, the pain feels like a hooded cape that drapes down over the shoulders. The headache is usually described as mild to moderately intense. The severity of the pain varies from one person to another, and from one headache to another in the same person. Many people report that the pain starts first thing in the morning or late in the day when work stress or conflict at home is anticipated.

Some people with tension headache experience neck or jaw discomfort. There may also be:

  • Tenderness on your scalp, neck and shoulder muscles
  • Difficulty sleeping (insomnia)
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Loss of appetite
  • Difficulty concentrating

Unlike some forms of migraine, tension headache usually isn't associated with visual disturbances (blind spots or flashing lights), nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, weakness or numbness on one side of the body, or slurred speech. While physical activity typically aggravates migraine pain, it doesn't make tension headache pain any worse. A few people with tension headache experience an increased sensitivity to light or sound, but this isn't a common symptom.

Types of headaches

Illustration of where tension, migraine and cluster headaches occur

Different types of headaches cause different types of pain. The pain of tension headaches is usually a dull, squeezing pain that may involve the forehead, scalp, back of the neck and both sides of the head. The majority of migraines occur on one side of the head, but some people with migraines feel pain on both sides of the head. Cluster headaches usually occur on one side of the head, and some people describe the pain as a stabbing sensation in the eye.


Experts continue to debate the causes and even the name of tension headaches. Over the years, as different theories emerged about the origins of this type of headache, it was known by names such as muscle contraction headache, psychogenic headache, depressive headache, essential headache and ordinary headache.

The exact cause or causes of tension headache are unknown. Until a few years ago, many researchers believed that the pain of tension headache stemmed from muscle contraction in the face, neck and scalp, perhaps as a result of heightened emotions, tension or stress. But many researchers have questioned this idea.

More recent research discredits this theory. Studies using a test called an electromyogram, which records the electric currents generated by muscle activity, haven't detected increased muscle tension in people diagnosed with tension headache. In addition, people with migraine have as much muscle tension as do people with a tension headache, if not more.

As a result, The International Headache Society uses the term "tension-type headache" instead of "tension headache," calling attention to the fact that muscle tension may not be the main cause of this kind of head pain.

Chemical changes

Researchers now believe that tension headache may result from changes among certain brain chemicals — serotonin, endorphins and numerous other chemicals — that help nerves communicate. These are similar to biochemical changes associated with migraine. Although it's not clear why the chemical levels fluctuate, the process is thought to activate pain pathways to the brain and to interfere with the brain's ability to suppress the pain. On one hand, tight muscles in the neck and scalp may contribute to a headache in someone with altered chemical levels. On the other hand, the tight muscles may be a result of these chemical changes.

Because both tension headache and migraine involve similar changes in brain chemicals, some researchers believe that the two types of headache are related. Some experts speculate that migraine may develop from the regular occurrence of tension headache. The distinctive migraine features form as the pain becomes more severe. Other research suggests that mild migraine is in reality a type of tension headache.

Two classifications

Tension headache is classified into two forms: episodic and chronic. These forms distinguish between occasional headaches separated by varying lengths of time between attacks and frequent headaches that occur, in many cases, almost daily.

  • Episodic. Episodic tension headaches occur on fewer than 15 days a month. These headaches are usually brief, lasting a few minutes to a few hours. Episodic tension headaches may cause scalp and neck muscle tenderness in addition to head pain. People with increasingly frequent attacks of the episodic form may be at higher risk of developing the chronic form of the headache over a period of years.
  • Chronic. Chronic tension headaches occur on 15 days a month or more for at least three months. Compared with the episodic form, chronic tension headache is less common, but twice as many women as men have the chronic form. The duration and the severity of episodic and chronic tension headaches are similar, although for many people with the chronic form, pain is daily and almost continuous. Like the episodic form, chronic tension headache can be with or without scalp tenderness.

In some cases, depression and anxiety may cause chronic tension headaches. If you do have a mood disorder, it's critical to treat this condition as well as your headache to achieve the best possible outcome. For example, if you have both depression and tension headache, treatment for your headaches may be less effective if the depression goes undiagnosed and untreated.

Controversy surrounds the issue of whether chronic tension headache is really a separate entity from chronic migraine. Doctors often have trouble distinguishing between the two types of headache. Both disorders are thought to stem from episodic headaches after pain pathways become sensitized, and both involve similar biochemical changes in the brain.

Triggers and aggravators

There are many possible triggers of tension headache. You may have no identifiable or consistent trigger, or have several obvious ones. Potential triggers include:

  • Stress
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Lack of sleep or changes in sleep routine
  • Skipping meals
  • Poor posture
  • Working in awkward positions or holding one position for a long time
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Occasionally, hormonal changes related to menstruation, pregnancy, menopause or hormone use
  • Medications used for other conditions, such as depression or high blood pressure
  • Overuse of headache medication

Half the people with tension headache report that they felt stressed or hungry before their headache began.

Tension headache may be made worse by jaw pain from clenching or grinding teeth (bruxism) or by head trauma, such as a blow to the head or whiplash injury. People with stiff joints and muscles due to arthritis of the neck or inflammation of the shoulder joints may develop tension headache.

Headaches in children

Chronic tension headaches in children are similar to headaches in adults and are often caused by stress, anxiety or depression. Although adults may not always realize it, children can experience tremendous stress — ranging from peer pressure and unreasonable parental expectations to difficulty in school and physical or sexual abuse. And all children, even very young ones, can experience depression.

Risk factors

Tension headache probably accounts for a majority of all primary headaches. And it's more common in women than in men. Almost 90 percent of women and about 70 percent of men experience tension headaches during their lifetimes. Tension headache is most prevalent in people between the ages of 20 and 50. The majority of people who get migraines also get tension-type pain.

When to seek medical advice

Pain is often one of your body's ways of signaling illness. But headache pain, even when it's severe, usually isn't the result of an underlying disease. Occasionally, however, headaches may indicate a serious medical condition, such as a brain tumor or rupture of a weakened blood vessel (aneurysm). Always be sure to tell your doctor about any headache that concerns you. Even if you have a history of headaches, see your doctor if the pattern changes or your headaches suddenly feel different.

If tension headache disrupts your life, don't hesitate to talk to your doctor. The condition is a biological disorder for which there's effective treatment. Many people can manage their headaches by working with their doctors to develop a comprehensive, individualized treatment plan that involves lifestyle changes, medication and complementary therapies.

In addition, see your doctor or go to the emergency room immediately if you have any of these warning signs and symptoms:

  • Abrupt, severe headache, often like a thunderclap
  • Headache with a fever, stiff neck, rash, mental confusion, seizures, double vision, weakness, numbness or speaking difficulties
  • Headache after a head injury, especially if it gets worse
  • Chronic, progressive headache that is precipitated by coughing, exertion, straining or a sudden movement
  • Onset of new headache pain after age 50

Call your doctor if your child has head pain that's severe or that causes him or her to miss school or other activities. A child who's too young to tell you what's wrong may cry and hold his or her head to indicate severe pain.


Although medications can provide temporary relief, lifestyle changes are ultimately the best way to combat tension headaches. Make sure you're following a regular sleep schedule and eating balanced meals. In addition, the following tips may help:

  • Exercise regularly. Regular aerobic exercise, such as walking, swimming or biking, can help reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches. Exercise relieves stress, relaxes your muscles and increases the levels of one of your body's natural stress relievers, beta-endorphin. Yoga, massage, stretching and posture classes also can help prevent tension headaches. If you already have a headache, exercise can help relieve the pain. In some cases, however, exercise may bring on a headache, so check with your doctor before starting any exercise program. Your doctor may recommend that you work with a physical therapist to learn exercise techniques that may specifically benefit people with chronic tension headaches.
  • Manage stress. In addition to regular exercise, techniques such as biofeedback training and relaxation therapy can help reduce stress. Biofeedback teaches you to control certain body responses that help reduce pain. During a biofeedback session, you're connected to devices that monitor and give you feedback on body functions such as muscle tension, heart rate and blood pressure. You then learn how to reduce muscle tension and slow your heart rate and breathing yourself. The goal of biofeedback is to help you enter a relaxed state so that you can better cope with your pain. Ask your doctor whether such a program might help you.

    Cognitive behavior therapy also may help you learn to manage stress and reduce the frequency and severity of your headaches. During this type of talk therapy, a counselor helps you learn ways to view and cope with life events more positively.

    Other relaxation techniques include deep breathing, yoga, meditation and progressive muscle relaxation, which is accomplished by tensing one muscle at a time, and then completely releasing the tension, until every muscle in your body is relaxed. You can learn relaxation techniques in special classes or at home using books or tapes. Many of them may also be helpful for children.

Preventive medications

Certain medications taken at regular intervals may reduce the frequency and severity of attacks. Your doctor may prescribe these if you have more than two headaches a week or have tension headaches that aren't relieved by acute medication and nondrug therapy. Your doctor also may recommend preventive medication if your headache lasts longer than three to four hours, if severe pain becomes disabling or causes you to overuse acute medication, or if you can't take acute medication because of other medical conditions.

Doctors often prescribe antidepressants to prevent tension headache, especially the chronic form. These drugs aren't painkillers. Rather, they work to stabilize the levels of brain chemicals such as serotonin, which may be involved in the development of a headache. You don't have to have depression in order to use these drugs.

Preventive medications may include:

  • Tricyclic antidepressants. Tricyclic antidepressants, including amitriptyline and nortriptyline (Pamelor), are the most commonly used medications to prevent tension headache. They're effective against both the episodic and chronic forms. Side effects of these medications may include weight gain, drowsiness, dry mouth, blurred vision and constipation. Older adults also may experience confusion or faintness when taking tricyclic antidepressants.
  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Antidepressants such as paroxetine (Paxil), venlafaxine (Effexor) and fluoxetine (Prozac, Sarafem) produce fewer side effects than do the tricyclic antidepressants but generally are less reliable in preventing headaches. Further studies are needed to demonstrate their effectiveness.
  • NSAIDs. Chronic tension headache may be effectively managed with NSAIDs such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) and ketoprofen (Orudis). In these circumstances, you take the medication daily.
  • Other medications. Other medications that may prevent tension headache include anticonvulsants such as divalproex (Depakote) and muscle relaxants such as tizanidine (Zanaflex). If you experience migraine-like symptoms, your doctor may prescribe a medication commonly used to treat migraines, such as beta blockers or calcium channel blockers.

Preventive medications may require several weeks to build up in your nervous system before they take effect. So don't get frustrated if you haven't seen improvements shortly after you begin taking the drug — it may take a couple of months or longer. You may need a combination of different medications for maximum effectiveness. Also be aware that overusing caffeine or painkillers for acute relief may reduce the effect of a preventive drug.

To obtain the greatest benefit from preventive medication, keep your use of acute pain relievers to a minimum. Your doctor will monitor your treatment to see how the preventive medication is working. If your headaches are under control, your dose of medication may be reduced gradually over time.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Salam Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Salam Hari Raya Aidilfitri buat semua yang mengenali diri ini. Mungkin sedikit terlewat tetapi tidak salah rasanya kerana kita masih lagi berada di bulan Syawal. Aidilfitri tahun ini sememangnya bermakna bagi diri saya, bukan sahaja dapat balik beraya di Kelantan tetapi kesemua 5 beradik dapat bersama-sama merayakan Aidilfitri kali ini. Namun sedikit terkilan dan sedih kerana kak Fae (my lovely sis in law) terpaksa menyambut hari raya seorang diri di Manchester(sabaw ek k'Fae) :) Selamat Hari Raya AidilFitri sekali lagi saya ucapkan dan mohon maaf jika ada salah dan silap. Mohon maaf jua jika ada kekurangan dalam blog saya yang teramatlah simple ini. Terima kasih kerana masih lagi setia mengunjungi blog saya. InsyaAllah jika ada kelapangan, saya akan upgrade kan lagi blog saya ini. Salam.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Salam Ramadhan al-Mubarak

Salam Ramadhan al-Mubarak buat semua umat Islam di seluruh dunia terutama ahli keluarga saya yang tercinta serta tidak dilupakan sahabat handai yang jauh di mata namun dekat di hati. (slamat berpuasa juga buat kema-kema di bilik bawah yang baru sahaja membaca blog saya malam ini). Bulan yang penuh dengan kemuliaan dan paling dinanti-nantikan oleh semua umat Islam. Alhamdulillah esok umat Islam di Malaysia akan menjalani ibadah puasa hari pertama. Sedih dan sedikit terkilan kerana tidak dapat memulakan hari pertama berpuasa pada tahun ini dengan keluarga. Namun, apa yang paling dinanti-nantikan oleh saya ialah kepulangan saya pada tahun ini untuk sama-sama menyambut Hari Raya Aidilfitri bersama keluarga tercinta setelah dua tahun beraya di perantauan. Suasana berpuasa dan beraya di perantauan sememangnya berbeza terutama segi makanan untuk berbuka puasa dan bersahur. Kalau di rumah semua makanan akan disediakan oleh bonda. Saya dan dua orang kakak hanya membantu sedikit sebanyak. Bila berjauhan semua makanan untuk sahur dan berbuka ada yang dibeli dari bazar Ramadhan dan ada juga yang curi-curi masak di asrama. Apa yang seronoknya di Sabah ialah sambutan Hari Raya Aidilfitrinya sangat meriah. Rumah terbuka boleh didapati di sekitar Kota Kinabalu ini. Di kampung-kampung pula meriah dengan nyalaan-nyalaan pelita dan kanak-kanak bermain bunga api. Pernah saya dan kawan-kawan beraya bagai nak rak sanggup menyewa kereta untuk pergi beraya di rumah kawan-kawan yang tinggal di Sabah. Walaupun penat beraya dari rumah ke rumah namun kegembiraan dan kepuasan dapat mengenali tempat-tempat menarik di Sabah ini sukar untuk dilupakan. Kemeriahan berhari raya di Sabah mungkin dapat melupakan kesedihan tidak berada di samping keluarga tercinta namun dari segi makanan dan kuih-muih rasanya kampung halaman masih lagi tidak dapat ditandingi. Kehadiran bulan Ramadhan pada tahun ini mungkin sedikit berbeza dari tahun-tahun yang sebelumnya. Mungkin kerana tahun ini merupakan tahun akhir saya di bumi UMS ini. Sebenarnya banyak perkara yang telah berlaku pada diri saya sepanjang liku-liku hidup sebagai seorang anak dan seorang mahasiswa. Secara tidak langsung sedikit sebanyak membantu diri saya ini untuk menjadi lebih matang dan bertanggungjawab kepada diri saya sendiri dan keluarga. Walaupun berada jauh daripada keluarga, saya bersyukur kerana dikelilingi sahabat-sahabat yang baik dan dapat berkongsi masalah serta kesedihan. Semoga Ramadhan kali ini dapat memberi hidayah dan keberkatan kepada diri saya serta insan-insan yang saya sayangi dan kasihi. Mungkin Ramadhan kali ini dapat menjadikan diri kita lebih baik seterusnya menjadi seorang muslim dan muslimah yang sejati.
Sesungguhnya Islam itu indah,hayatilah Islam itu tanpa lengah-lengah. Carilah kenikmatan beribadah, kerana dengan ibadah itulah membentuk iman yang kukuh buat perisai dan benteng nikmat keduniaan yang mampu menghancurkan akidah seorang insan bergelar manusia.
Salam Ramadhan al-Mubarak. Wassalam.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Home Networking Technology

What Home Networking Technology Is?

Recently, home networks were not actually emerging because most families did not need or able to afford more than one computer. As for today, technology becomes the most priority to everyone in this world in order to complete their own personal tasks such as email, finish their schoolwork, online shopping, instant messaging, downloading music and video or even playing games. That is why nowadays, for certain families, one computer is no longer enough. Each of the family members has their own computers or laptops. Hence, in a household with multiple computers, a home network often becomes a necessarily rather than a technical toy.

How Home Networking Works?

A home network is simply allowing computers to communicate with one another. This network will let these computers share files and documents, an internet connection, printers, print servers and scanners, stereos, TVs and game systems and even CD burners.

The different types of network will use different hardware, but they all have the same essential components:

  • More than one computer
  • Hardware (such as a router) and software (either built in to the operating system or as a separate application) to coordinate the exchange of information
  • A path for the information to follow from one computer to another

The two most popular home network types are wireless and Ethernet networks. In both of these types, the router does most of the work by directing the traffic between the connected devices. By connecting a router to your dial-up, DSL or cable modem, you can also allow multiple computers to share one connection to the Internet. You don't even need a computer to make a network as long as you have a router. For example, connecting your Xbox 360 to a router makes a simple network.

Where Home Networking Will Be Used?

This network is called home network because it is going to be used in our home. Estimates that, there are 15 million families will network their residences over the next several years.

John MacDougall/AFP/Getty Images

Figure 1: A view of the living room in the T- Com house in Berlin, Germany, which wirelessly links up computers, televisions, handheld PDAs and other technologies together for seamless interaction.

Who Will Benefit By The Home Network Technology?

When we are going to connect our home network to the Internet, of course what we need in the first place is a firewall. It is not us as a user for this home network technology to get the benefit but many software firewalls can also get the benefit by this technology. Symantec, McAfee and Zone Alarm are the examples of companies that produce software-based firewalls. These companies usually offer some free firewall protection as well as advanced security that we can buy. The other hardware companies will also get the benefit when people are started using the home networking.

What Difference Home Network Technology Will Make?

· Convenience: The technicians will completely install and configure your home network (with the exception of file and print sharing). Technical support is available 24 x 7 to answer any questions.

· Speed: Share the speed of a single connection. No more waiting for your turn to use the Internet, now everyone can have Internet access at the same time.

· Cost Savings: Pay only for a single connection, not multiple access fees for each computer. The cost to network your computers is only a few dollars a month with full technical support. And when you purchase Internet plus digital video or telephone services from SureWest Broadband Residential Services, you save even more!

· Security: Protect your computers with built-in features that help guard your PCs from dangerous Internet hackers.

What Was The Need For It In The First Place?

Getting connected to the Internet is the need in our life as for today. Technology is growing so fast until the pressure is not only in the work place but also in our own place – our home. All of our family members want to use the Internet and how we can avoid the traffic during connecting to the Internet? How we can make sure every one can surf the Internet without waiting their turn in line? By using this home network technology, we can avoid waiting in line behind other family members to use the Internet. We can also save money by avoiding the full cost of a second Internet account. We can make setting up online gaming fast and easy. Then we can connect household devices like security systems and home entertainment systems to the Internet.

Technical Specifications of the Technology

A home network may consist of the following components:

  • A broadband modem for connection to the internet (either a DSL modem using the phone line, or cable modem using the cable internet connection).
  • A residential gateway (sometimes called a router) connected between the broadband modem and the rest of the network. This enables multiple devices to connect to the internet simultaneously. Residential gateways, hubs/switches, DSL modems, and wireless access points are often combined.
  • A PC, or multiple PCs including laptops
  • A wireless access point, usually implemented as a feature rather than a separate box, for connecting wireless devices
  • Entertainment peripherals - an increasing number of devices can be connected to the home network, including DVRs like TiVo, digital audio players, games machines, stereo system, and IPset-top box.
  • Internet Phones (VoIP)
  • A network bridge connects two networks together, often giving a wired device, e.g. Xbox, access to a wireless network.
  • (Rarely) a network hub/switch - a central networking hub containing a number of Ethernet ports for connecting multiple networked devices
  • A network attached storage (NAS) device can be used for storage on the network.
  • A print server can be used to share printers among computers on the network.

Figure 2: An example of a simple home network.

Older devices may not have the appropriate connector to the network. USB and PCI network controllers can be installed in some devices to allow them to connect to networks.

Network devices may also be configured from a computer. For example, broadband modems are often configured through a web client on a networked PC. As networking technology evolves, more electronic devices and home appliances are becoming Internet ready and accessible through the home network. Set-top boxes from cable TV providers already have USB and Ethernet ports "for future use".

Figure 3: A router connects your computers to one another. If you connect it to your modem, it will also connect your network to the Internet.

If neither wireless nor Ethernet seems right for you, you have other options for connecting your computers. If your computers have USB or FireWire ports, you can use cables, jump drives or file transfer devices to move files from place to place. Other options include power-line and phone-line networks. Both power- and phone-line networks use existing wiring in your home to connect your computers, so you don't need to worry about concealing extra cable.


New developments in home networks affect more than just home offices and entertainment systems. Some of the most exciting advances are in healthcare and housing.

In healthcare, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) let doctors monitor patients wirelessly. Patients wear wireless sensors that transmit data through specialized channels. These signals contain information about vital signs, body functions, patient behavior and their environments. In the case of an unusual data transmission - like a sudden spike in blood pressure or a report that an active patient has become suddenly still - an emergency channel picks up the signal and sends medical services to the patient's home.

The housing industry is another important field for home network technology development. Bill Gates owns one of the few smart houses in existence, but someday, we might all live in one. A smart house is a fully networked structure with functions that can be controlled from a central computer, making it an ideal technology for homeowners who travel frequently or for homeowners who simply want it all.

Builders are beginning to offer home network options for their customers that range from the primitive by installing Ethernet cables in the walls to the cutting-edge of managing the ambient temperature from a laptop hundreds of miles from home. In one trial experiment called Laundry Time, Microsoft, Hewlett Packard, Panasonic, Proctor & Gamble and Whirlpool demonstrated the power of interfacing home appliances. The experiment networked a washing machine and clothes dryer with a TV, PC and cell phone. This unheard-of combination of networked devices let homeowners know when their laundry loads were finished washing or drying by sending alerts to their TV screens, instant messaging systems or cell phones. Research and development also continues for systems that perform a wide variety of functions -- data and voice recognition might change the way we enter, exit and secure our homes, while service appliances could prepare our food, control indoor temperatures and keep our homes clean. In the future, our washing machines will call us on our cell phones when a load is done.

Photo courtesy Getty Images.

This technology is promising, but it's not quite ready for the consumer market yet. The average consumer can't afford a WSN or a smart house, and if he could, there's a good chance he or she wouldn't be able to operate these sophisticated systems. Another issue is security -- until developers find a way to secure these networks, consumers risk sharing medical information and leaving their homes open to attack.



*KZ01103 COMMUNICATION DATA (Assignment)

Friday, August 8, 2008


Salam.080808 merupakan tarikh yang amat bermakna bagi seseorang pada tahun ini terutamanya pada ayahanda tercinta yg berada jauh di mata namun dekat di hati.^_^.Kepada ayahanda tercinta saya ucapkan selamat hari lahir yang ke-56 walaupun sudah di wish kan via phone call pada pukul 08:08am tadi. :) kenapa saya katakan tahun bermakna? Dengan terteranya tarikh 080808 pada hari ini maka ayahanda tercinta sudah menamatkan kerjayanya sebagai seorang guru. Namun bagi saya ayahanda tetap selama-lamanya guru di hati saya kerana tanpa tunjuk ajar ayahanda tiadalah saya di UMS ini sekarang. Ayahanda sememangnya merupakan seorang yang mementingkan education. Hal ini terbukti tatkala pada suatu pagi semasa cuti panjang menunggu keputusan SPM, saya bertanya pada ayahanda bolehkah jika saya mahu mengambil lesen kereta. Namun, jawapan yang diterima daripada ayahanda sedikit menghampakan saya. Ayahanda menolak cadangan pengambilan lesen kereta tetapi menggantikannya dengan cadangan mempelajari bahasa Inggeris ( communication skill). Penolakan lesen kereta daripada ayahanda membuatkan saya bermuram muka selama 2 hari sahaja :p Pada mulanya saya fikirkan cadangan kelas bi itu hanya cadangan semata-mata untuk menolak cadangan lesen kereta namun pada minggu itu juga di suatu pagi, ayahanda menyuruh saya mengikutnya ke bandar. Saya mula berangan-angan mungkin ayahanda sudah bersetuju dengan cadangan lesen kereta tetapi sebaliknya. Ayahanda membawa saya untuk mendaftar masuk ke kelas Learning English with Communication Skill di Smart Readers. Kesungguhan yang terpamer pada raut wajah ayahanda membuatkan saya sedikit sebak dan terharu. Saya menerima cadangan ayahanda dengan hati yang terbuka tanpa perasaan marah kerana tidak dapat mengambil lesen kereta seperti kebanyakan rakan-rakan yang lain.

Selepas beberapa ketika result SPM dikeluarkan, saya menerima tawaran interview TESL daripada MARA. Ayahandalah orang pertama yang gembira mendengar berita ini. Beliau jugalah yang membeli tiket bas dan menemani saya ke KL untuk interview ini. Saya masih ingat lagi kata-kata ayahanda,"ada juga faedahnya ambil kelas bi tu.." :) Yup,tats rite dad..thanks 2 u..
Ketegasan dan kesabaran ayahanda dalam mendidik kami adik beradik terutama diri saya yang paling degil dan nakal amat saya hargai dan akan saya ingati sehingga akhir hayat. Tanpa ayahanda di sisi saya siapalah saya di dunia ini. Terima kasih ayahanda! Selamat Hari Lahir. Semoga panjang umur murah rezeki dan dirahmati oleh ALLAH swt selalu. AMIN...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

chapter 2: why not??

you don't have this book? You are so lucky to read this blog because i'm gonna let you know something inside this book----->The Power of Your Subconscious Mind.
How this book can work miracles in your life?
This book is designed to teach you that your habitual thinking and imagery mold, fashion, and create your destiny. For as a person thinking in his subconscious mind, so is he.
Do you know the answers?
Why is one person sad and another person happy?Why is one person joyous and prosperous and another person poor and miserable?Why is one person fearful and anxious and another full of faith and confidence?Why does one person have a beautiful,luxurious home while another person lives out a meager existence in a slum?Why is one person a great success and another an abject failure? Why is one speaker outstanding and immensely popular and another mediocre and unpopular? Why is one person genius in her work or profession while another toils and moils all his life without doing or accomplishing anything worthwhile? Why is one person healed of a so-called incurable disease and another isn't? Why is it so many good, kind, religious people suffer tortures of the damned in their minds and bodies? Why is it many immoral and irreligious people succeed and prosper and enjoy radiant health? Why is one person happily married and another very unhappy and frustrated? Is there an answer to these questions in the workings of your conscious and subconscious minds? There most certainly is.

*Frankly speaking, when i read this sentences some how my heart make me wanna read more. Like i wanna know the answer of all these questions. I bet you wanna know also rite?Let we continue what the writer of this book wanna share and tell us...

Unique feature of this book
The unique feature of tis book is its down-2-earth practicality. Here u will find simple, usable techniques and formulas that u can easily apply in your everyday life. The special features of this book will appeal to you because they explain why you often get the opposite of what you prayed for. Thousands of times, people in all parts of the world have asked me, "Why is it I have prayed and prayed and got no answer?" In tis book u will find the reasons for this common complaint. The explanation of the many ways of impressing the subconscious mind and getting the rite answers make this an extraordinarily valuable book and an ever-present help in times of trouble.

What do u believe?
Contrary 2 what many people think, it is not the thing that is believed in that brings an answer to a person's prayer. Prayers are answered when the individual's subconscious mind responds to the mental picture or thought in his or her mind. This law of belief is the secret operating principle in all the religions of the world. It is the hidden reason for their psychological truth.
The Muslim, the Buddhist, the Christian may all get answers to their prayers, in spite of the enormous differences among their stated beliefs. How can tis be? The answer is that it is not because of the particular creed, religion, affiliation, ritual, ceremony, formula, liturgy, incantation,sacrifices, or offerings, but solely because of belief or mental acceptance and receptivity about that for which they pray.
The law of life is the law of belief. Belief can be summed up briefly as a thought in your mind. As a person thinks, feels, and believes, so is the condition of his or her mind, body, and circumstances. A technique, a methodology based on an understanding of what you are doing and why you are doing it will help you to bring about a subconscious embodiment of all the good things of life. Essentially, answered prayer is the realization of your heart's desire.
*i think tats all i can write here 'bout what special inside tis amazing book.if u just fall in luv wif tis book, why not try 2 search n buy tis book, why not??

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

why not??

Susahnya mahu mencari buku motivasi yang sesuai untuk dibaca oleh saya yang sedikit malas ini. Mempunyai keluarga yang suka membaca sedikit sebanyak mengubah diri saya menjadi seorang yang suka membaca. Melalui minat membaca inilah yang mencetuskan hobi suka menulis saya sekarang. Saya pernah juga berjinak dengan dunia penulisan semasa sekolah menengah. Antaranya menulis puisi dan cereka sains anjuran karyanet. Hanya mendapat saguhati bagi kedua-dua kategori ini. Pengalaman yang saya kira tak dapat saya gambarkan. Apa yang menyedihkan saya tidak dapat menghadiri majlis penyampaian hadiah ini kerana saya berada di matrikulasi melaka pada masa itu. Malas sebenarnya hendak menaiki bas ke Kuala Lumpur. Jadi ibu saudara sayalah yang menjadi wakil saya pada ketika itu. Sebenarnya ibu saudara sayalah yang mendesak saya supaya menulis puisi dan cereka sains untuk dihantar ke karyanet. Dua kali saya berjaya memboloskan diri daripada desakan ibu saudara saya. Namun kali ketiga iaitu semasa cuti panjang menunggu keputusan SPM, saya tidak dapat mengelakkan diri. Kenapa ibu saudara saya mendesak saya supaya menghantar karya saya untuk dipertandingkan? walaupun sebenarnya saya lebih suka menulis dan memberi baca kepada kawan-kawan terdekat sahaja.

Suatu hari, saya menyuruh sepupu saya membaca sebahagian cerpen yang saya tulis. Dia bawa balik ke rumah untuk dibaca dan keesokan harinya ibu saudara saya mencari saya adakah cerpen yang sepupu saya baca itu ditulis oleh saya. Sejak itulah ibu saudara saya atau dipanggil 'mak su' mendesak saya supaya menulis untuk dipertandingkan dalam karyanet. Namun setelah memasuki matrikulasi, minat saya dalam penulisan ini terabai kerana terlalu sibuk untuk mengejar subjek-subjek yang saya lemah dan sukar untuk difahami. :p Namun minat membaca tidak dapat saya abaikan dan tinggalkan mahupun satu hari :)

Jika dahulu semasa sekolah rendah dan tingkatan 1 dan 2 saya lebih suka membaca novel-novel bm. Tapi saya tidak pernah mencuba untuk membaca novel bi. Semasa berada di tingkatan 3, saya ingat lagi bagaimana saya mula berjinak membaca buku-buku bi. Seorang guru bi (Pn Azizah) memberitahu kelas saya(beliau merupakan guru kelas kami ketika itu--->3 Fatimah) supaya membaca buku, novel atau surat khabar bi untuk memperbaiki dan membantu subjek bi kami. Saya mula menyedari apa yang beliau cuba katakan. Kebetulan saya mempunyai seorang kawan(lupa sudah namanya) suka membaca novel-novel bi(bukan ida abdullah dan ailyn zarina, walaupun mereka berdua juga suka membaca novel bi).Kawan yang saya maksudkan ini bukan pelajar kelas 3 Fatimah. Saya bertanya kepadanya tak susah ke baca novel bi? Nanti nak tengok kamus kalau tak faham apa maksudnya. Leceh. Mungkin itulah yang menyebabkan saya tidak suka membaca buku bi dan tidak mahu mencubanya. Namun, jawapan yang saya dengar daripada kawan saya ini menyedarkan saya. Anda mahu tahu apa yang dikatakannya? "Kalau first time kau baca novel bi kau jangan tengok kamus dulu. Kita nak baca novel sebab kita nak tahu apa cerita yang kita baca tu kan? So, kau baca je dulu. Asalkan kau tahu jalan cerita yang ditulis tu. Lama-lama nanti kau akan jadi terbiasa dengan sendirinya dan kau akan faham apa yang ditulis tu walaupun dalam bi."

Wow!! Jadi selepas hari itu, saya terus pergi ke library sekolah untuk mencari novel bi yang paling nipis tapi tak terlalu nipis. Saya cuba membaca novel remaja bi. Dalam masa satu hari saya berjaya menghabiskannya tanpa melihat kamus seperti yang diberitahu oleh kawan saya. Memang ada banyak perkataan yang tidak saya fahami tetapi saya memahami cerita yang ditulis. Tentu anda tertanya-tanya apa terjadi kepada saya selepas itu?:p Saya mula menjadi 'kipas susah nak mati' @ die hard fan kepada novel-novel bi. Novel-novel bm saya dapat habiskan dalam masa satu hari sahaja. Ini menyebabkan saya tidak mendapat kepuasan yang maximum dalam pembacaan :p Maka novel-novel bi menjadi pilihan sehinggalah sekarang. Berkat dari kesungguhan yang sedikit terlewat ini membantu saya dalam PMR,SPM dan MUET. So, why not anda cuba dahulu dan lihat hasilnya kemudian. Mungkin semasa anda melakukannya anda tidak nampak hasilnya dan mungkin anda akan fikir ia sedikit menyusahkan namun apabila anda sudah terbiasa anda akan enjoy dan perkara itu akan menjadi rutin anda. Mungkin 10 tahun akan datang hasilnya akan membuat anda tersenyum kecil. :)

welcome 2 my blog..

salam n hi 2 all readers.1st of all welcome 2 my blog.really simple blog n i dunno wat 2 write here.time mula2 buat blog nh memgla byk bla da buat terabailaa plak.haha.then rasa cam nak hidupkan balik je ak nya blog,cum n join my blog.tanx a lot.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

when u fail how u manage 2 success?

please share ur story with me n others.tanx..^_^