Saturday, February 21, 2009

Ada apa dengan malas?

Salam ukhwah buat semua. Tiada apa yang dapat saya ungkapkan pada hari ini, hanya satu-"Marilah kita sama-sama melawan sikap malas dalam diri!".Melawan perasaan malas adalah sesuatu perkara yang paling besar dalam hidup ini. Jika kemalasan itu menguasai diri, nescaya tiadalah kejayaan yang akan dikecapi oleh kita pada hari ini mahupun hari-hari yang mendatang. Proses melawan perasaan malas itu akan menghasilkan kesan sampingan yang disebut sebagai pergolakan jiwa. Ini terjadi kerana diri kita tidak mahu atau tidak selesa dengan kehadiran perasaan malas itu. Namun, bagi sesiapa yang merasakan keselesaan malas itu akan sentiasa merasakan kelapangan dan akhirnya tertipu dengan perasaannya sendiri.

Berbalik kepada kes pergolakan jiwa yang terhasil dari sifat atau sikap malas tadi. Pergolakan jiwa atau tekanan ini mesti ditangani dengan baik dan penuh hikmah. Sebagai seorang Muslim atau Muslimah, anggaplah perkara ini sebagai dugaan dari ALLAH s.w.t dalam menguji kesabaran kita dalam melakukan ibadah. Adakalanya perasaan malas ini membuatkan kita rasa mengantuk walaupun kita baru sahaja bangun dari tidur yang mencukupi. Selain itu, perasaan malas ini juga mampu membuatkan minda kita tidak fokus dalam sesuatu perkara seperti terlupa atau tidak tahu apa yang hendak dilakukan pada hari itu. Selain itu, sikap negatif yang lain akan muncul satu persatu seperti perasaan tidak puas hati, perasaan ingin marah, tidak senang melihat kesenangan orang lain dan sebagainya.

Maka, apa yang patut kita lakukan untuk mengelakkan sikap malas ini dari menguasai diri kita sepenuhnya? Apa kata kita cuba sedaya upaya untuk mendisiplinkan diri kita. Adaptasikan dalam diri kita setiap pagi dengan bangun awal setiap pagi (bagi sahabat muslim & muslimah-bangun qiam @ solat subuh). Percaya atau tidak terserah pada kalian tapi tentu ada sesetengah dari anda pernah mendengar -"bangun pagi murah rezeki"..Itulah ayat yang sentiasa bonda ingatkan setiap kali balik bercuti (hehehehhe..)

Hari ini saya sedikit kesibukan kerana terpaksa berada di lab menyiapkan sound recording dan sedikit analisis. Alhamdulillah, hari ini terbuka sedikit ruang kerajinan untuk membuat lab (biasanya hari minggu bersantai di rumah..hehehe). Sound recording buat kali ke-3 selesai dilaksanakan. Maka, terpaksalah saya mengundurkan diri dari ruangan blog saya yang tak seberapa ini buat hari ini. Sedikit analisis untuk sound recording harus saya utamakan. Nyalakan api kerajinan dalam diri untuk menerangi ruangan kemalasan dalam diri. Salam.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ada apa dengan sahabat?

Best Friends means different things to different people. Some insist that you can have only one best friend. Others assert that they have best friends for different aspects of their personalities. Whatever the precise definition, your best friend is the person who gets you. They understand who you are and what you are saying. The greatest distance cannot separate best friends. You will always feel a kinship with them, and be able to instantly continue the friendship even after not talking for many years.

When i talk about friend or friendship, it's hard for me to accept there is a good friend in this world. I never thought of having any best friend for myself(what a lonely girl i am :p). The reason why i am not believing in true friendship (a friend who laugh and sad together) is i don't want to believe it(just an excuse from telling the truth...hehe). It is just fun having a lot of friends and hanging out together. But i know most of all my friend out there have their own best friends. Hey,believe it or not i also got one! ^_^

I hate when some of my friends talk about true friendship. I just think they talk nonsense because theoretically, they are not really a good friend but pretend to be a good friend. But i know this kind of species are very rare to find although they always appear among us. Well, why i choose a topic about friendship today? It is because i just felt uneasy with my best friend. I am afraid that she have some hurt feeling regarding to my stupid comment. I am so sorry my friend. I'm just kidding when i said that (but sometimes i feel that way). It is a natural feeling of friend to feel unforgotten. But some how i had learn the art of TRUST. Then i feel relief. So, to have a good relationship of friendship is to put some trust into it then blend it with all your heart for ALLAH.. ;)

Thanks to ALLAH for giving me a best friend just like kemma. Different place and distance of jihad(study) does not mean that our friendship is forgotten but that make our bond more stronger than before, right??

I hate to tell the truth because i'm scared that i will losing you and all people that i love ( put this article more dramatic). Actually a great task in my life is having difficulty to understand my own self. Sometimes i don't know who am i(not in term of "hilang ingatan"). be ringkaskan..i need someone to hold my own self and the lucky no.1 is kemma talib...hehehehe..Actually i am the lucky no.1 because kemma choose me as her best friend. She scolded me when i make mistake(just like my mum..huhuhu), she hug me when i was in difficult condition and she even cried together (ye ke?) when i was sad. So, kemma..this is for you...
Thanks for being my friend...

"Give me friends or give me death". A life without friendship is terrible and lonely. We are social beings and friendship is an incredibly important part of our lives. Appreciating friends is something we must always make time for. In today's competitive world it is easy to get up in our careers or our latest project. It is important to keep a sense of perspective. It is nice to rise high in the company but all the money in the world is not going to keep you company on a cold winter night.

Preserving a friendship requires many skills. One of the most important of these is the ability to say "I'm sorry". We all make mistakes. Hurting each other from time to time is inevitable especially in a close friendship. Some people are incapable of apologizing, because they are unable to admit that they may have made a mistake. There is no way for a friendship to last without apologies. Saying "I'm Sorry in a sincere and compassionate will preserve your friendship and deepen the bond that your share.
I'm sorry ma for making you worried..